How Generative-AI Powered Search Is Going To Impact Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

In the age of Generative AI, there are lot of misconceptions and overlooked risks revolving around  Search Engine Optimization (SEO). When we analyze the impact of Generative AI on SEO, we should focus on implications of using AI generated content in a website and inferences of Generative AI integrated Search Engine algorithms and Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

How AI generated contents are treated by  Search Engines ?

By default, AI generated contents are not castigated by Search Engines and as usual they prioritize helpful high quality content for human. As a result, AI’s problem of generating unreal facts, counterfeit ideas and writing content in a clumsy formal style will have an impact on quality. At this stage, marketers should not completely rely on content created by Generative AI and should target more on improving the quality of AI generated content up to original human created content.

Whether the content is created by Generative AI or not will not make any impact on Search Engine rankings. However, originality, expertise and utility of the content plays vital role in getting distinguished among similar information from other sources.

Generative AI & SEO

Content generated by AI doesn’t have any direct impact on search engine rankings. However, if marketers rely on Generative AI to create content from scratch that will have unintended risks to rankings. Some of the reasons are,

  1. AI can generate imprecise and generic content. So before publishing an AI generated content, an editorial oversight and fact checking should be done by human.
  2. Wide usage of AI will generate duplicate content. Algorithms of Bard or ChapGPT tend to generate almost identical responses if same question is asked multiple times.
  3. Entirely AI-generated content cannot be copyrighted. Though the content created by human and then adjusted by AI can be copyrighted.

Generative AI & Search Engines

Google and Bing have integrated Generative AI into their search engines and their primary intention is to keep users on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) as long as possible.

They are using Generative AI to,

  1. Perceive the intent of user’s search queries
  2. Cater results that accomplish searchers’ needs more precisely on SERP
  3. Keep users engaging for longer by merchandising content on the SERP
  4. Focus more on conversational experience

Optimization tactics for AI-powered Search Engines

  1. Adopt a content strategy that focus on main topics, sub topics and follow up queries. Multiple aspects of a topic needs to be strategically addressed and construct an exhaustive suite of relevant content.
  2. Content needs to be optimized for user engagement. Content that captivates user attention and encourages viewers to spend more time on it should be created.
  3. Increase site experience with better page load speed and mobile responsiveness. Multi-format embedded content and interactive module performances are also important.
  4. Content should be supported in various formats such as videos, images, text, and other media types.
  5. Enhance content for conversational queries that includes natural language.
  6. Relevant entities on the web pages should be properly recognized, designated, and aligned with search engine algorithms.

Final Thought

As Generative AI reshapes the overall search experience, marketers need to prepare for this shift to well position their brands among others.

Author Details

Sajin Somarajan

Sajin is a Solution Architect at Infosys Digital Experience. He architects microservices, UI/Mobile applications, and Enterprise cloud solutions. He helps deliver digital transformation programs for enterprises, by leveraging cloud services, designing cloud-native applications and providing leadership, strategy, and technical consultation.

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