AI enabled Robots

Power of AI in FinanceAI has been the buzz word across the globe. Almost every industry, domain, sector and profession is assessing the impact and benefits of AI. The different options and features provided by AI have been impacting and benefitting multiple areas.

Content writing has been one of the most visible areas where the AI has provided multiple useful options with Generative AI and content related features. The content writers benefit from such features by getting the work done faster and better. It provides multiple options to validate multiple drafts and versions, allowing to preview the changes and deciding the final version.

AI based chat bot is another example. Code generation and suggestions tools like CoPilot, Code Whisperer etc. also add to the list of AI based tools and services. Such features are available for the professionals at their disposal. Such features need to be leveraged and used to extract the benefit.

So what is next.

AI based robots.

AI based robots have been making waves off late. Such robots are providing multiple services like news reading, reading weather reports on television, being a teacher in school, and the latest being Devin, the first AI software engineer.

Devin can provide multiple services like coding, debugging, bug fixing etc. It can learn new skills, work independently and even collaborate with humans (Thank you Devin). It is based on machine learning algorithms and can constantly learn and improve. Potentially, it can understand context and adapt according to the problem.

Right now, such robots are positioned as tools for enhancing performance (Amplifying Human Potential). They can be (currently) termed as buddies for the human workforce.

Following are the few of the advantages provided by such robots and AI services:

Quick Learning: The robots can be trained quickly unlike humans where the learning takes some time. The advantage with the robots is that once a robot is ready with the tailored model, the replication can be done very quickly. So, when there is a need to increase the Robo-Force (The Robot Workforce) it can be scaled up is no time.

Upskilling and Reskilling: Adding new skills or enhancing existing skills – these robots can be upskilled or reskilled quickly and will not have any baggage or emotional connect to a certain technology, unlike humans who can at times get attached to certain skill set or technology.

No Fatigue: The fatigue factor would be missing, and this would be one of the salient features of the robots. Business would like to have robots which can work independently without human intervention and thus would be happy to have such robots working round the clock.

Accuracy: Being AI enabled machines, the output generated by such robots would be consistent and accurate based on the training model and self-learning with consistent improvement based on real-time datasets and use cases.

Natural Language Processing: The NLP services would remove the language barrier and provide accessibility to a larger user base.

The area of concerns would include data privacy, IP violations, hallucination, maintenance, training model and data, and more such aspects.

Going by the trend, these robots are here to stay and disrupt the way we work. And it keeps alive the concern whether the Robo-Force will Replace the Human Workforce!!! and to what extent.

Keep learning and upskilling. Be a step ahead.

Author Details

Mohammad Athar Jamal

Athar is an Enterprise and Cloud Solution Architect at Infosys. He works on Digital Transformation for different clients and enhances the Digital Experience for enterprises. He architects microservices, UI/Mobile applications, and Enterprise solutions by leveraging cloud services, designing cloud-native applications. His work includes providing leadership, strategy, and technical consultation.

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