AI Virtual Marketing Agent

An AI virtual marketing agent is nothing but a software program that is powered by artificial intelligence for various activities in Marketing area which would otherwise require a human intervention. The recent boom in Generative AI powered agents play a significant role in the evolution of virtual agents. These AI agents are powered by AI models like GPT-4 and GPT3.5 from OpenAI, Llama 2 from Meta, Claude 2 from Anthropic and many more, making it extremely efficient compared to the old virtual agents which did not have the amount of learning or intelligent brain.

Following are the key applications of AI Virtual Marketing Agents:

Key applications of AI Virtual Marketing Agents

Intelligent Customer Support

Customer support has been the primary area where AI powered bots have been able to achieve tremendous growth in terms of react. From very basic agents to complex bots, AI powered agents have brought in a digital disruption in this area. Gartner in their Aug 2023 press release predicts that by 2025, 80% of the customer support services will be replaced by AI bots that will use Generative AI technology to improve customer experience and agent productivity. First-generation chatbots could identify customer intent and proceed to the next relevant step in the workflow using NLP. However, this often resulted in a cumbersome experience for users, as the bot might encounter unrecognizable text and lose context of the conversation.

Large language models (LLMs) are powerful AI systems that can generate human-quality text and speech. These models are used to build text-based generative AI applications, such as ChatGPT, which can answer complex questions accurately and fluently. With the advancement of generative AI and LLMs, the models powering AI agents have undergone significant improvement. They are now able to make decisive decisions and are constantly evolving. This has resulted in a much smoother and more efficient customer interaction experience. Through this, businesses can now have 24×7 customer support executives that constantly take up queries and proactively resolves them without the need for human intervention. The fact that every conversation is a learning opportunity for the chatbot means that the AI agent has the ability to learn and improve over time. This makes it an increasingly valuable tool for businesses and organizations especially as an AI Virtual Marketing Agent.

Automated Email Campaigns

Automated email campaigns are perhaps one of the most powerful ways to connect and engage with your audience. AI powered virtual marketing agents uses machine learning algorithms to analyse the customer data, do data segmentation and then create extremely personalised and targeted email campaigns. The virtual agents can not only create targeted emails, but also send emails, track the conversions and many more. These personalisation varies from domain to domain.

 Automated Email Campaigns

For e.g. – Netflix uses AI models to send personalized email recommendations to its subscribers and these are based on each subscriber’s viewing history and ratings. Another example would be that of Amazon. Amazon uses AI virtual marketing agents to send product recommendation emails to its customers. These recommendations are based on each customer’s purchase history and application browsing history. These are just examples on how to leverage the power of AI virtual marketing agents for fully automated email campaigns.

Automated social media content generation

In the age of social media, generating unique and engaging content is essential for businesses to keep their audience interested. Poor engagement can directly impact revenue, as well as the revenue generated through social media publishers. Businesses are therefore increasingly focusing on creating high-quality social media content, and AI virtual marketing agents are an ideal solution for this need.

Automated social media content generation

AI-powered virtual marketing agents can leverage a variety of data points, including business goals, target audience, and competitor analysis, to generate relevant content ideas and manage social media posts. By creating, updating, and scheduling posts to targeted audiences, these agents can help businesses improve social media engagement and drive revenue growth through sales, new customer acquisition, and other channels.

Manage social media accounts

For businesses in the post 2019 covid-era, social media presence is a must for its continued success and functioning. Through AI virtual marketing agents, business can now let these AI models manage their social media accounts to fully automate and streamline their social media marketing activities.

Manage social media accounts

AI virtual marketing agents can be used to fully automate the content creation and publishing into various social marketing mediums based on a business’s industry, target audience, and social media goals.  These AI agents use Generative AI to create content for blogs, articles and even social media posts. They can also be used to optimize the content for search engines and social media platforms via targeted SEO optimization and social media tag usage. These agents have conversational capabilities and can easily engage with a potential customer and undertaking various tasks like attending to customer complaints, requests, prioritizing messages etc. The AI virtual marketing agents can also do data analysis and thereby generate reports that provide details insights into their social media performance.

Run advertisement campaigns

Ad campaigns provide yet another key area where businesses concentrate more to acquire new customers or potential leads for sales. AI virtual marketing agents can be used to create targeted ads based on various parameters like web traffic, referral source etc. Behind the scenes, these AI agents will be powered by extensive ML algorithms that can analyse large dataset coming from social mediums. Through this data, AI virtual marketing agents will be able to generate Ads that are personalised and relevant for the targeted audience.

Running Ad campaigns is not that straight forward as it involves bidding for time and space. By automating the analysis of historical budgets, conversions and other metrics, AI agents will be able to come up with a bidding strategy that enables businesses to run extremely successful marketing campaigns.

Generate and nurture leads

Gone are the days of cold emails and cold calls where marketing agents would be shooting our marketing emails to a large distribution list or doing telemarketing calls to a relatively unknown list of phone numbers, with a hope that, amongst the large set of unknown prospects, someone could potentially turn out to be an eventual customer. But with the advent of Generative AI and conversational bots, businesses could now easily identify and categorize potential leads. They can now generate extremely personalized messages to get the customer connect  and also use the conversion historical data to learn and identify patterns and trends in the lead data which can be optimized for the next cycle and so on.


AI virtual marketing agents provide numerous benefits to businesses. Following are the key benefits:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Increased productivity
  • Improved personalization
  • Zero human-intervention
  • Improved customer experience
  • Better lead conversions

Overall, AI virtual marketing agents are powerful AI powered models that can help businesses of all sizes automate their marketing tasks, improve their targeting and personalization, reduce their costs, and improve their customer service.


Author Details

Roy Maria John

Roy M J is a Technology Architect with Infosys. He is a Digital Transformation Specialist associated with Digital Experience IP Platforms & Frameworks in Infosys. He helps in delivering digital transformation for large enterprises across the globe via Live Enterprise Interactions Suite and Digital Marketplace Platforms. He has rich experience in Web technologies primarily on the JavaScript stack. He is part of Cloud and Emerging Technologies track in the Digital Technology Council.

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