Future of personalized video advertisement and messages using GenAI

In a world where technology constantly evolves, personalized video advertisements and messages created using GenAI stands out as a game-changer for the advertising industry. Imagine a future where every advertisement is customized specifically for you, not only based on your preferences but also on your emotions, experiences, and unique identity. The amazing potential of artificial intelligence is enabling this exciting vision to become a reality.

Although personalized video commercials are already popular, GenAI takes them to the next level. GenAI, short for “Generative Artificial Intelligence,” is a cutting-edge technology that uses deep learning algorithms to create highly realistic and customized content. GenAI can make it happen in a way that feels extremely personal, whether it’s an advertisement for a product you are looking at, a message from your favorite celebrity, or a virtual tour of a dream destination.

The reach of this technology is immense, and some of this are mentioned below.

  • Enhanced Engagement: – Personalization is not just about catching the viewer’s attention; it’s about keeping it. It has proven that personalized videos driven by GenAI significantly increase viewer engagement. These videos provide higher click-through rates, longer viewing times, and higher conversion rates because of the interactive components, customized product recommendations, or a message that exactly matches the viewer’s interests.
  • Emotional Connection:- GenAI can analyses your social media activity, online behavior, and even your facial expressions to understand your emotional state. Using this information, it creates videos that genuinely convey an emotional response, whether it’s a sentimental message from a loved one or a positive message for motivation.
  • Endless Creativity: – The creative potential of GenAI is boundless. Brands can create unique, eye-catching content that appeals to each person’s tastes, making the advertising experience more enjoyable and less boring. This opens up a new world of possibilities for marketers to showcase their products in innovative ways.
  • Building Stronger Relationships:- When businesses use GenAI to create personalized video messages, they are not just selling a product or service; they are building relationships. Consumers are more likely to connect with a brand that understands them. GenAI promotes this trust and loyalty by presenting content that seems to be created just for the viewer, helping to retain this connection.
  • Entertainment and Education: – GenAI-powered personalized videos can be used for entertainment and education in addition to advertising. Examples are interactive courses that are customized to each student’s learning preferences or personalized movie trailers that focus on the elements of a movie that most interest you.

The future of personalized video advertisements using GenAI provides significant potential, but there are also disadvantages and challenges to consider:

  • Privacy Concerns: As personalized video advertisements become more advances, there is a risk of violation on user privacy. The increased use of personal data for relevant content may raise concerns about data security, consent, and the data misuse.
  • Algorithmic Bias: AI models like GenAI learn from data and if the data contains certain biases or unfair patterns, then AI can learn and reproduce those biases. This could lead to unintentional discrimination in personalized content, which is a critical ethical concern.
  • Information Filter Bubbles: Highly personalized content might unintentionally create “filter bubbles”. That means users are exposed only to content that aligns with their beliefs and interests. This can restrict access to many viewpoints and block critical thinking.

The future of personalized video advertisements and messages using GenAI is an exciting development, but it’s essential to approach this technology with responsibility and ethics. As GenAI continues to shape the way we interact with content, we must prioritize transparency, consent, and user control to create a future where personalized experiences enrich our lives without compromising our privacy.

Author Details

Bavya Balakrishnan Kolodi Thekkayil

Bavya Balakrishnan is a Technology Architect at Infosys - Digital Experience IP Platforms. She helps in delivering digital transformation for organizations across the globe via Live Enterprise Employee Experience Suite -Orbit.

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