Generative AI in SDLC

Generative AI is a promising technology that can generate new content, such as text, images, audio, and code. These capabilities of Generative AI can transform the way software development is being approached. Generative AI can be used to streamline the software development process and help to create more efficient and innovative solutions. Let us see how it happens,

Application of Generative AI at different phases of SDLC

  • Analysis

This is the initial phase of SDLC in which project requirement gathering, analysis and documentation will be happening. Moreover project scope, cost estimate, staffing and project plan creation will be performed in this phase. Here, Generative AI can be used in automating requirements writing and analysis, user story creation etc.

  • Design

In this phase a detailed design of the software system will be created. The design will have a detailed architecture and a prototype or mock up. Generative AI can assist in architecture writing and UX design, generating sequence flow diagram and authoring data model.

  • Development

Here coding of the software system will take place. Various programming languages, tools, libraries and frameworks to develop the software will be used by the developers. Generative AI can help developers to generate code, debug, explain code, improve consistency and translate code.

  • Testing

In this phase newly developed software will be tested for bugs, defects and errors. Manual testing or tool based automated testing will be performed. Testing team will execute the test cases prepared by them and report the development team if any defects are found. Generative can be used for writing test cases and generating test code.

  • Deployment

Here the software will be deployed to production environment and is used by end users. Generative AI can help in Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment generation,  Infrastructure as Code script writing and automation script writing.

  • Maintenance

In this phase, development team will provide ongoing support, fix bugs and software updates. Generative AI can assist in performance monitoring and remedy suggestion, generate documentation and AI assisted support.

Advantages of using Generative AI in SDLC

  • Promotes Innovation

Generative AI can automate repetitive tasks such as generating boilerplate code, writing documentation and testing software. This gives more time to developers to focus more on creative tasks, solving problems, designing new features etc.

  • Better Customer Experience

Generative AI can improve software quality by assisting in detecting and fixing software bugs, improving software performance and making software more secure. This will lead to better customer experience and reduction in software development cost.

  • Reduced Time To Market

Generative AI can accelerate the overall SDLC process. For example, it can generate software prototype that help development team to understand what their users want and quickly develop the software.

Final Word

Generative AI has a major impact on SDLC. It can automate tasks, improve software quality, and accelerate overall development process. This will eventually lead to a better software, finer time to market, and reduced software development cost.

Author Details

Sajin Somarajan

Sajin is a Solution Architect at Infosys Digital Experience. He architects microservices, UI/Mobile applications, and Enterprise cloud solutions. He helps deliver digital transformation programs for enterprises, by leveraging cloud services, designing cloud-native applications and providing leadership, strategy, and technical consultation.

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