Role of AI and ML in the Banking Industry

Technology has greatly altered our way of living. Banking industry, one of the oldest businesses in the world, is constantly evolving. It has shifted from traditional or manual services to online services, to keep better records and secure transactions by just one click. It is not only helping the clients but also the banks. Today, banking is not only about the physical structure rather it’s more appropriate on our fingertips and that too 24*7.

To improve operational productivity, nature of client assistance and to speed it up, the committee on public sector banks in 1978 suggested a prudent utilization of the computers and desktops for the selected administrations of banks. Aside from an increase in effectiveness, it will diminish the repetition of routine and tedious work and allow staff to give better customer services and care. Banking sector in India has grown at a rapid pace since its nationalization. Information Technology (IT) has given rise to new advancements in banking domain as product, design and delivery.

RBI’s fair methodology is an important factor in the Indian financial sector’s acceptance of new ideas. In recent years, the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) has taken a cautious but pragmatic approach to accepting new innovations, frequently restricting innovation acceptance on banks through regulation, whenever it has seen a degree to improve customers’ experience and effectiveness using a particular technology. RBI’s aggressive effort for innovation selection hasn’t been restricted to building strategy frameworks until lately. It has used a combination of guidelines and, surprise, collaborated with the company to make things easier and more feasible.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) provides numerous advantages to the banking sector. In India’s banking sector, both AI and ML is transforming corporate operations and customer-facing services. It is also utilized to meet legal requirements, detect fraud, and evaluate individual creditworthiness. The approach of AI will result in betterment of corporate process, provides fully-custom services, and contribute towards a wider target like financial inclusion. There’s a little doubt that the new push towards digitalization features a significant influence on traditional banking models. This, however has, exposed these institutions to an ever increasing number of cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats. For creating an active defense system against cybercrime, banks are constantly trying to find utilizing the latest technology trends like blockchain and analytics.

Prior to COVID-19, the financial administrations industry was expanding at a breakneck pace, enhanced by shifting client expectations, heightened rivalry among officeholders and newcomers, growing standards, and advancements in innovation. Digital transformation was well underway, as seen by the spread of computerized channels, tools, and challenger banks all across the world.

Regardless of these tendencies, clients’ willingness to get and enterprises’ willingness to invest in computerized remained in tension across actors, markets, and landmasses. Very quickly, COVID-19 has overturned those shows. It has constrained revolutionary changes in client conduct, moving essentially parts of the economy online and expanding client’s solace and eagerness to connect carefully. It has likewise uncovered the criticalness, for computerized change, and financial institutions (FI’s) have shown dexterity and strength in the quick fallout of the emergency.

The immediate requirement is to make a platform that will stimulate investments in innovations that is efficient, while also improving the gap between revenues and expenditure associated with adopting latest technologies. AI streamlines day-to-day elements of bank’s clients. This helps customers design their plans for the investment and on the credit loans to support their credit scores. Also, standing and waiting within the long queues was also one of the major hindrances for the customers as this takes lot of time. Evolution of chatbots and mobile banking has overcome this hurdle. This also helps the banks in saving its cost as the small issues of their clients are being solved using Artificial Intelligence. In fact the customers need not to wait for the working days and the banking hours as these issues can be resolved 24*7.

AI and therefore the business analytics provides a clear picture and helps in taking the right choices. During the time of uncertain events like financial fluctuations, natural disasters etc., the choice should be of utmost care. AI and ML helps in finding out the probability of not paying back the loan amount and analyzing and predicting behavior patterns of the past. AI helps in analyzing the information logs whereas ML helps in finding the risky files. AI also helps in detecting suspicious transactions which if done manually will take a lot of time and effort and in today’s era where cyber crimes are increasing day-by-day, it becomes one of the key components to analyze. Thus, AI-based frameworks can help in consistence by guaranteeing the moral inside tasks of frameworks. For instance, it will recognize a dishonest insider exchange that resulted in market misuse.

Challenges Being Faced After AI in the Banking Sector:

The banking sector is undergoing a radical shift from the manual banking to evolving of the Artificial Intelligence in the banking sector. The very innovation that generated this disruption can be utilized to solve the banking industry’s problems, but the transition from inheritance frameworks to creative arrangements hasn’t always been easy. All things considered, if banks and credit organizations are to survive and thrive in the current environment, they must accept advanced changes. So here are some of the challenges faced that are using AI and ML. There is more demand for human resources with the technology background as with the increase in AI tools the technology is becoming more advance and complex. So it is difficult for banks to hire talent with the knowledge of data science for better decision making that will also increase their costs.

In order to survive in the banking industry, each and every bank needs to invest and expand in FinTech. Due to the increase in competition among themselves, they must build dynamic business models that will owe their success to providing a streamlined and improved client experiences.

Manual cycles and frameworks have no place in today’s digital environment. To address banking industry difficulties, banks and credit unions must embrace innovation-based goals. As a result, it’s critical that monetary foundations promote a development culture, in which innovation is used to improve existing cycles and systems for maximum efficiency. This cultural shift towards an innovation-first mindset is reflective of a larger acceptance of the advanced change in the entire industry.

Clients expect personalized and meaningful interactions via simple and natural interfaces on any device, in any place, and at any time. Despite the fact that client satisfaction is difficult to quantify, client churn is clear, and client loyalty is quickly becoming a vanishing concept. Client loyalty is the consequence of strong customer association that starts with getting to know the client and their presumption, as well as instrumenting a continual customer-driven process. Financial foundations can improve collaborations by getting to know their clients and drawing in with them in the same way. This results in increased consumer loyalty and wallet share, as well as a decrease in customer agitation.

With a succession of extra ordinary breaches in recent years, security has become one of the issues being faced by the financial industry, which have become the major worry for banks and credit association customers. To protect sensitive clients, financial institutions should invest in the most recent innovation-driven security measures, such as Address Verification Service (AVS), Authentication, End-to-End Encryption, and so on.


As every coin has its two sides, the same way the growing technologies have. We can conclude that the banking sector needs to work on certain issues and also assures that the customers transactions are safe and secure. Every bank must invest and expand in FinTech in order to stay afloat in the banking business. They must develop dynamic business models that credit their success to providing a streamlined and enhanced client experience as a result of increased competition amongst themselves. Due to increase in the customer retention process, they need to innovate new ideas and gain the customers trust. The future of the banking looks what it is today. Customers want individualized and meaningful interactions delivered through easy and natural interfaces on any device, at any time. Client turnover is obvious, and client loyalty is gradually becoming a vanishing idea, despite the fact that client satisfaction is tough to evaluate. The customer expectations and the growing technologies will grow the banking sector and will make cashless economy.

Author Details

Roy Maria John

Roy M J is a Senior Technology Architect with Infosys. He is a Digital Transformation Specialist associated with Digital Experience IP Platforms & Frameworks in Infosys. He helps in delivering digital transformation for large enterprises across the globe via Live Enterprise Interactions Suite and Digital Marketplace Platforms. He has rich experience in Web technologies primarily on the JavaScript stack. He is part of Cloud and Emerging Technologies track in the Digital Technology Council and is the Vice-Chairperson of TechCohere (Tech focus Group) in Infosys Thiruvananthapuram DC.

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