Covid19 brought in a total paradigm-shift in supply chain functions from the previous years. Long-standing time proven theories like Just-in-time, supplier collaborations, core competency focus need re-validation. Multiple Organizations with varying sizes and revenues have already implemented the Oracle ERP systems, with many extending their scope to the planning suites as well. Those who started early on this journey may be saddled with planning systems that are traditional, outdated and not in line with the changes in the market situations.
Indeed, there is an unrelenting need to also enhance the planning systems with those that provide enterprise-wide visibility, assist decision making while being robust and nimble at the same time. While there are many planning tools in the market, the most prominent ones – Oracle and Kinaxis, have been widely implemented across top fortune 500 companies. We have tried to bring in a few key parameters to compare head-on the cloud version of Oracle planning (Oracle Planning Central) with Kinaxis’ RapidResponse based on our experience with implementing both in multiple engagements.

Comparing on the above parameters, there is clearly an advantage that RapidResponse has over the Oracle Planning Central Cloud, both in terms of the planners using the tool as well as the system integrators who are able to provide more flexibility and features in their solutions.
Kinaxis has been recognized by Gartner (2022) as a leader for Supply Chain Planning Solutions for the eighth consecutive time.
With other planning systems biting close on its heels, it is only a matter of time that the competition heats up and each will be upping up its ante to grab the biggest slice of planning solutions pie.
Before taking the leap, the companies need to decide on the features that they require for enabling the perfect supply chain transformation for its products and services. Is your company ready for it? Does it help in the overall decision making? Every organization and its business needs are unique, so let’s determine our baseline position and evaluate the tool based on the business parameters to lead us to the preferred solution.