Infosys Consulting Enabling an Agile Learning Organization

In part 1 of the Enterprise Learning as a Service (LaaS) blog series, we discussed the Infosys Consulting LaaS Maturity Continuum – a framework to help learning organizations assess the current state of their learning landscape and develop strategic initiatives. In this blog, we will focus on two framework dimensions, Learner Experience and Content Ecosystem, and how establishing an agile learning organization is pivotal to both.

In today’s workplace, LaaS organizations must meet the demands of evolving regulatory and compliance requirements, widening employee skill gaps, and competing with employee learning experiences outside the office. It is more important than ever for organizations to make their learning solutions modern, agile, and learner centric. This has put a spotlight on LaaS within organizations that recognize it as a competitive differentiator. Executives and HR Leaders understand the strategic significance of learning; however, in 2022, only 12% of organizations effectively deliver learning at the point of need [1]. Where is the disconnect? The failure to develop this modern and responsive learning environment is often because LaaS organizations are not structured to meet the needs of their evolving learning landscape.

Leaders know what needs to be done but there’s a disconnect when it comes to action

Organizations need their LaaS structure to be agile, so they can continuously upskill or reskill employees in the flow of work and on demand to enable continuous innovation and growth for the business. Organizations need a seamless learning experience and robust content ecosystem, but how do they foster this agile LaaS environment? Based on cross-industry research, we have identified several LaaS elements organizations should establish to enable an agile framework.

Market trends that lend themselves to an agile LaaS organization

We have categorized these LaaS agile elements by our Learner Experience and Content Ecosystem dimensions.

Learner Experience: There is a strategic shift across industries to focus on enhancing the learner experience [4].

  • Learning in the Flow of Work: Embedding learning opportunities in day-to-day tasks to increase productivity without interrupting daily workflow. 49%[5] of employees prefer this approach as it is personalized to their unique needs.
  • In-App Experiences: Includes bots, tooltips, beacons, interactive walkthroughs, and contextual workflows often facilitated via a Digital Adoption Platform. It cuts down overall training and onboarding time and improves employee productivity.
  • Micro-Learning: Five-minute or less learnings, including in-app tool tips, walkthroughs, short videos, and daily task lists that employees can search for as they have an immediate need. It can improve retention by as much as 80%.

Content Ecosystem: Learning Content Ecosystems enable continuous improvement with the help of data insights to ensure content is accessible, connected, and relevant [4].

  • Data-Driven Decision Making – Content rationalization exercises that are driven by data insights. Capture and capitalize on LaaS data, including course completion rates, performance improvements, learner satisfaction, instructor ratings, learning competency and proficiency, etc.
  • Knowledge Sharing Ecosystem – An intentional approach to Knowledge Management where content is appropriately tagged and easily accessible in a universal system for fast employee access. Often this enables employees to contribute self-created content and is facilitated by technologies such as Microsoft Stream, Fuse Universal, 360 Learning, and Docebo.
  • Content Repurposing – Repurposing existing training content into multimodal learning content by reformatting across various media, including audio, video, reading, and visual content

Infosys Consulting’s Direct Instruction Portfolio is an agile conduit

To help organizations enact these LaaS agile elements, Infosys Consulting has a suite of tailored solutions within our Direct Instruction Portfolio, which includes Instructor-Led Training (ILT), Virtual Instructor-Led Training (vILT), e-Learning, and Master Class. To learn more about these techniques, watch the Direct Instruction Overview Video here.

As shared in the video, these techniques can help organizations address the growing globalization of their workforce, enable learning in the flow of work, and support a micro-learning training approach. In addition, each technique has its own set of benefits highlighted in the image below:

These techniques facilitate learner-centric experiences and help organizations establish a diverse portfolio of high-quality training content within their learning ecosystems.

Criticality of an Agile Learning Organization

In a time when skills, regulations, and learner expectations are rapidly changing, LaaS organizations must be agile. Successful business outcomes are now more than ever directly tied to responsive, relevant, and modern learning content.

This is part 2 of a 6-part Enterprise Learning & Development series. In part 3, “Knowledge Transfer,” we will discuss Infosys Consulting’s Knowledge Transfer Techniques and how they are applied to capture and transfer expert knowledge to new generations of employees.

To discover how Infosys Consulting’s Direct Instruction Portfolio can unlock value for your organization, please reach out to our experts for more information.

Author Details

Michael Hendrix

Michael is a +25-year veteran of IT, Consulting, and Outsourcing. His primary area of domain expertise is in organizational change, learning and knowledge management, as well as HR services. Michael prides himself on helping his clients to align people, processes, and technologies to drive individual and organizational performance

Kristen Carreno

Kris has over 8 years of experience as a change management consultant. She has led communications, training, and project management activities across multiple technologies and industries. Kris prides herself in her ability to help clients navigate through the challenges that accompany the adoption journey and enjoys mentoring other consultants.

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