Empowering Quality Engineering with GenAI: Pioneering the Cloud 2.0 Transformation

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, migrating to the cloud is essential for businesses striving to stay competitive. Cloud 2.0 marks the next frontier in this evolution, leveraging cutting-edge innovations to drive scalability, flexibility, and efficiency.

Challenges in Cloud Migration Testing

Traditional methods of cloud migration testing often lack the agility and efficiency critical to digital transformation. The manual testing process is error-prone, leading to extended timelines and escalating costs. Similarly, existing technologies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) often fail to meet the demands and intricacies of cloud migration testing.

Infosys Quality Engineering for Seamless Cloud Migration

By harnessing the power of generative AI (GenAI) technologies, Infosys ensures comprehensive test coverage, accelerated migration schedules, and reduced risks. This facilitates successful cloud adoption and operational excellence. The convergence of GenAI and Cloud 2.0 transformation offers a leap forward in modern testing capabilities. By embracing advanced AI techniques, we can unlock unprecedented levels of agility, efficiency, and resilience for enterprises as they navigate toward cloud-native architecture.

Infosys Quality Engineering Use Cases Powered by Cloud 2.0

Consider the following use cases that illustrate how Infosys leverages the transformation power of Cloud 2.0 using GenAI to revolutionize testing processes and drive efficient cloud migration.

  • Automated test case generation: GenAI algorithms analyze the application ecosystem, architecture, data schemas, and usage patterns. Comprehensively understanding the ecosystem and its requirements enables the AI system to generate a range of custom test cases for cloud migration scenarios. This approach minimizes effort and accelerates the test case creation process as well as the time to market.
  • Synthetic data generation: GenAI creates synthetic datasets that mirror real-world production environments. These datasets simulate diverse data scenarios – with varying data types, formats, and volumes – for comprehensive migration testing without exposing sensitive production data.
  • Cross-platform script migration: GenAI simplifies the migration of automation scripts from legacy systems to cloud-based testing platforms. It transforms script formats to ensure compatibility and preserve test coverage. Script migration accelerates the transition to cloud-based testing frameworks and enables organizations to leverage the benefits of cloud infrastructure for testing.
  • Performance testing optimization: GenAI enhances performance testing by generating realistic workload scenarios and benchmarks for cloud migration. By analyzing application usage, system resources, and scalability, GenAI simulates virtual users and diverse usage scenarios, identifying performance bottlenecks, scalability limitations, and resource constraints.
  • Security testing automation: GenAI automates security testing by simulating cyber threats and vulnerabilities early in the cloud migration process. It generates attack- vectors, crafts malicious payloads, and mimics attacks to assess the cloud environment’s security posture, helping enterprises strengthen their cloud migration strategy.
  • Anomaly detection using VAEs: Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are sophisticated GenAI models trained on a low-dimensional data representation to detect anomalies by measuring the reconstruction error. VAEs identify anomalous behavior in system performance metrics or data flows, providing valuable insights for preemptive troubleshooting and optimization.
  • Dynamic test environment simulation: Reinforcement learning (RL) facilitates the simulation of dynamic test environments. It empowers organizations to adapt testing parameters to real-time feedback and changing system conditions. RL agents incorporate feedback from ongoing tests and system monitoring to dynamically adjust parameters, including workload distribution, resource allocation, and migration strategies.


The convergence of GenAI and Cloud 2.0 transformation marks a significant leap in modern enterprise testing capabilities. By examining specific use cases, it is evident that GenAI addresses the immediate challenges of cloud migration testing and cultivates a culture of continuous improvement and adaptability in quality engineering practices. It is crucial to acknowledge that the shift toward cloud-native architecture is a journey that requires businesses to remain vigilant and responsive to emerging technologies and market dynamics. By adopting GenAI, enterprises can stay ahead of technological innovation and position themselves for long-term success.


Author Details

Swapnil Srivastava

Swapnil Srivastava, a digital solution specialist, brings over 13 years of testing experience across multiple technologies and domains. His expertise is in designing frameworks and strategies for cloud migration testing and automation. With a successful track record in delivering innovative and cutting-edge solutions to clients across various industries, Swapnil spearheads quality initiatives for his clients. He believes in continuous adaptability in sync with industry innovations.

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