AI Content Translation for effective marketing

Assume that you are creating a multilingual shopping website for your customer. One thing you should never stop noticing is how automatic translation and localization through AI has become popular in website content creation. Today’s digital landscape, businesses are expanding their reach beyond borders to get attention of customers all over the world. This necessitates the need of multiple languages on their websites. Traditional marketing methods are outdated and in recent years, there are significant advancement in integrating AI into content creation and distribution.

Let’s delve into the process involved in this translation, its importance and advantage in marketing. When you are thinking to adapt multiple languages support in your website, there are two aspect you need to concentrate. One is content translation, and another is content localization.

AI content translation uses artificial intelligence, particularly natural language processing (NLP) to automatically translate content from one language to another. This content translation process includes following steps.

  • Preprocessing:- This includes data collection (gather the source text need to be translated), text cleaning (cleanse the data to remove unwanted information like formatting, html tags and special characters), tokenization (split text into words or sub words)
  • Encoding: – The tokenized source text converts to numerical representation that can be understood by AI model (neural network)
  • Neural network translation: – This model takes the encoded source text as input and generates a translation in the target language.
  • Decoding: – Generates the translation in the target language word by word.
  • Post-processing: – Here it applies grammar rule, word order, appropriate punctuations and spacing to make the translation grammatically correct.

AI content localization goes beyond translation by adapting content to a specific locale or culture. For example, in addition to translating the text, this also considers date and number formats, currency symbols, images and multimedia elements, idiomatic expressions etc.  Content localized with AI provides more personalized and relatable experience for users in different regions. AI content localization uses neural machine translation (NMT) and natural language processing (NLP) technologies.

The importance of AI powered content translation in business: –

  • Global accessibility: – By offering content in multiple languages, business can make their products and services reaches to a global audience. This increases their service value and revenue.
  • Enhanced user experience: – Localization ensures that content, including product description, reviews, and marketing messages resonates with cultural preferences of the target audience. This creates a greater attractive and fulfilling consumer experience.
  • SEO and search visibility: – Automatic translation and localization improve search engine optimization (SEO) in different languages. Here business can target keywords relevant to the customers in each language and which improve the sites ranking in search results. This can boost website traffic.
  • Competitive edge: – Business that can provide their content in multiple languages can serve customers in different region. This commitment showcases their trust and loyalty among international customers and provides a competitive edge.

The advantage of AI powered content translation: –

  • Speed and efficiency: – AI technologies can rapidly translate and localize content, which saves time and reduces cost when compared to traditional manual translation services.
  • Consistency: – AI ensures that translations and localizations maintain uniformity across the websites, which is crucial for maintaining a consistent brand image among customers.
  • Cost efficiency: – AI driven translation and localization are often more cost effective than hiring human translators, making it a viable solution for all sizes of business.
  • Multilingual support: – AI can handle a wide range of languages, allowing businesses to reach customer across the world.
  • Multimedia Localization:- AI translation and localization also can be implemented to localize multimedia factors consisting of images, videos, and audio files
  • Domain Expertise:- AI translation and localization systems can be customized and trained with domain-specific data and specialized terminology to achieve more accurate translations
  • Continuous improvement: – AI systems can learn and improve translation quality over time by analyzing user feedback.

Use cases: –

  • Content creation for social media:- Facebook uses AI-powered translation and localization technology to automatically translate content including posts, comments, and messages into multiple languages.
  • E-Commerce localization:-  utilize in-built AI tools to help translate product descriptions, customer reviews, and other content into preferred their languages.
  • Publishing media localization:- BuzzFeed uses AI algorithms and machine learning models to translate its content, such as cultural references and humor, to ensure that the translated versions capture the essence and tone of the original material.
  • Customer support and Chatbots :- Chatbots uses AI translation tools to facilitate multilingual interactions.

AI content translation is a game changer for effective marketing. It streamlines content creation, personalization and user experiences. The good part is AI translation systems can facilitate collaboration between human translators and AI models especially in sensitive content creation. You can interact localization groups to check and refine machine-generated translations. By embracing this technology, business can stay competitive and connect with their customers in meaningful ways which ultimately increase brand visibility and profitability.

Author Details

Bavya Balakrishnan Kolodi Thekkayil

Bavya Balakrishnan is a Technology Architect at Infosys - Digital Experience IP Platforms. She helps in delivering digital transformation for organizations across the globe via Live Enterprise Employee Experience Suite -Orbit.

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