Impact of Generative AI on CMS offerings


Artificial Intelligence is changing the world in a very rapid manner. As more and more people are connected to the digital world via channels like your personal mobile, smart TV or home appliances, it is highly likely that you have already benefitted from some form of AI to make your life better. With Generative AI taking the forefront of every conversation around AI, discussions about its impact on various industries are very common now. In this article let us delve deeper into the impact of Generative AI on CMS offerings.

Traditional way

In the traditional world, the marketing team will have to first do a research on the trending topics to come up with a list of topics to write articles that are relevant to the period and circumstances. Once the list is ready, the team will have to start creating rich content for the article, do multiple rounds of reviews for content approval. Further they will have to purchase stock photographs or videos as required by the article and work with SEO specialists to optimize the article to meet the SEO requirements. After publishing, the content moderation also have to be done by the team.

As you can notice, this is an extremely time consuming work which needs collaboration from various teams across the board. Further additional budget has to be allocated for each article to purchase the right set of stock photos and videos that is required.

Generative AI powered CMS

Generative AI has a big impact in improving the way CMS systems work. Let us take a look at the areas where Generative AI is touted to make drastic improvements.

Content Creation

The most powerful use case of Generative AI would be content creation. With the help of AI models, Content Management Systems will be able to generate unlimited good quality content for articles. The content creators will just need to identify the topics and the storyline required for their articles and the CMS system will be able to take care of the rest of the steps that includes, content creation, validation and publishing. This results in very less human intervention and also saves a lot of time as well.

Popular models – GPT-4, GPT-3, Gopher, OPT-175B, Bloom, Cohere, Anthropic, AI2, etc.

Image generation

Using Generative AI models, users will be able to generate realistic images using very basic natural language. The models will be trained using very large data set of images and its respective description and hence these models are to generate near perfect images in accordance to the input.

From a CMS perspective, instead of hunting for stock photographs and purchasing the ones required, these models will help save time and money. The users can describe what kind of image is required and the model will generate the image in quick time.

Popular models – DALL-E 2, Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Craiyon, Deep Dream Generator, StarryAI, Artbreeder, Photosonic, DeepAI, Big Sleep, etc.

Video generation

Similar to image generation that is explained above, video generation is yet another fantastic application of Generative AI. Unlike Image generators, video generator models will be a multi-modal AI that will combines various other data types like text, image, speech and other data types to generate high quality realistic videos. In this type of Generative AI, Artificial Intelligent techniques such as deep learning, computer vision, and generative adversarial networks (GANs) are used.

Earlier, content creators needed to create videos or purchase videos and customize to their needs which had very high turnaround time and cost involved, but with Generative AI’s influence, they will be able to generate or edit videos that are very much realistic in a very short time and minimal budget. As popularity increases in this particular area, more mature models will be made available and it would soon be impossible to identify whether the video is a real one or an AI generated one.

Popular models – x-clip, make-a-video

Content optimization

Generative AI can be used to optimize the content of the CMS to meet the customer needs by analysing the users patterns and provide personalized contents and recommendations. Generative AI plays a significant role in optimizing the content of CMS by automating manual effort spent on optimization and providing suggestions, insights for content creators and Marketing managers.

Popular models – GPT-4, GPT-3, Gopher, OPT-175B, Bloom, Cohere, Anthropic, AI2, etc.

Content categorization

Content categorization is a very crucial aspect of CMS where-in the Marketing managers will need to go through the articles submitted and tag each one of them against the correct category and tags. Generative AI helps in automatic categorization and tagging of the newly added articles so that the CMS’s search results will be more accurate. Accurate

Popular models – GPT-4, GPT-3, Gopher, OPT-175B, Bloom, Cohere, Anthropic, AI2, etc.

Content translation

Content translation is yet another important feature of CMS systems where users will be able to read articles in their preferred language. In traditional CMS, there would be manual translation jobs required for every article published and again this is a time consuming and costly job. With Generative AI, CMS’s will be able to instantly generate content in any language the CMS supports. This ability helps CMS’s to instantly translate large volume of content very efficiently and quickly.

Popular models – GPT-4, GPT-3, Gopher, OPT-175B, Bloom, Cohere, Anthropic, AI2, etc.

SEO recommendations

One of the key value adds of Generative AI is the SEO recommendations and optimizations that is provided. Generative AI will help analyse the SEO statistics of a page, provide recommendations on key word density as well as tags and other SEO specific content of the article. Using Generative AI, it will be possible to analyse the content and suggest the changes required to improve the page ranking as well. All these are done instantly and with very minimal user intervention which makes it very much a game changer from an Search Engine Optimization work perspective.

Popular models – GPT-4, GPT-3, Gopher, OPT-175B, Bloom, Cohere, Anthropic, AI2, etc.

Marketing campaigns

Generative AI is well capable of creating marketing mailers in a fully automated way. This can be plugged into the CMS’s email blasting feature and entire marketing campaigns could be implemented in an automatic manner. The only human intervention required will be to validate and approve the mailers generated and everything else could be fully automated.

Popular models – GPT-4, GPT-3, Gopher, OPT-175B, Bloom, Cohere, Anthropic, AI2, etc.

Performance Prediction

Performance prediction is another use case where Generative AI is applicable. Using generative AI, it will now be possible to predict how well an article perform by analysing the user behaviour and patterns. This prediction can in turn be used by marketing team and article authors to fine tune their content to avoid potential issues in content and to enable it to improve its performance. Performance prediction can be used not just to improve the content quality, but also use historical data analysis to project potential performance of a content.

Popular models – GPT-4, GPT-3, Gopher, OPT-175B, Bloom, Cohere, Anthropic, AI2, etc.

Code Generation

Code generation is one of the main applications of Generative AI. There are numerous AI models available that helps in code generation and the front-runner is GPT-4 based OpenAI model. Using generative AI, non-programmers will now be able to create or update HTML, CSS contents of the CMS pages enabling them to modify the layout or theme as required by their articles. Earlier, there was always a dependency with the technical team for making any changes in the layout or theme that the creator envisioned, however now with Generative AI, anyone will be able to modify the content layout as required.

Popular models – OpenAI GPT-4, OpenAI GPT-3, OpenAI Codex, Whisperer API

What this means to existing CMS ecosystem?

With Generative AI coming into forefront of AI solutions, it seems inevitable that existing CMS’s would adopt the popular models to improve the overall experience of their users. In a very short time, numerous plugins and extensions are already published by the community for leading CMS systems like WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, etc. The existing CMS systems will need to undergo the required updates to ensure they make use of the full potential of Generative AI technology. As the prominence of Generative AI technologies increase, more and more CMS platforms will start adopting its powers.

What does the future look like?

The future looks very exciting for CMS platforms mainly due to the potential AI and Generative AI technologies poses. There are no limits to the application capabilities in the CMS landscape and with every major in AI releasing products in Generative AI, there are plenty of options to choose from.  From taking few days for writing and publishing an article, it will soon take just few minutes to create and publish a good article. Generative AI will act as a personal assistant to all the content creators, enabling them to create top notch contents with rich assets that complements the creative content.

Just like in the Harry Potter world where Reeta Skeeter had to just prompt the quill to write content, Generative AI will assist content creators in creating articles as prompted with very high quality and with rich assets like images and videos – all in a very short time period.





Author Details

Roy Maria John

Roy M J is a Senior Technology Architect with Infosys. He is a Digital Transformation Specialist associated with Digital Experience IP Platforms & Frameworks in Infosys. He helps in delivering digital transformation for large enterprises across the globe via Live Enterprise Interactions Suite and Digital Marketplace Platforms. He has rich experience in Web technologies primarily on the JavaScript stack. He is part of Cloud and Emerging Technologies track in the Digital Technology Council and is the Vice-Chairperson of TechCohere (Tech focus Group) in Infosys Thiruvananthapuram DC.

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