Business Assurance Continuity in a World of Connected Devices

According to McKinsey Global Institute, by 2030, the global connected device market could be worth anywhere between US $5.5 trillion to US $12.6 trillion.

The capabilities of connected devices are advancing at an incredible pace. This is fueling cross-industry transformation in products and services such as better-managed and personalized healthcare services or creation of safe and comfortable smart spaces, among others.

How Connectivity Drives Business Outcomes

History shows how the Internet and smart devices have led to efficient operations, higher productivity, and improved decision-making – all of which translate to better business outcomes. With the emergence of connected devices, enterprises are increasingly focusing on reducing cost, increasing revenue, and strengthening overall safety through enhanced monitoring systems with real-time alerts and notifications.

Implementation Challenges

Implementing Internet-of-Things (IoT) or connected devices involves physical objects like smart devices and associated sensors as well as software, network connectivity to exchange data, servers in the cloud or on-premises for data storage, and analytics solutions to derive actionable insights.

Organizations and test architects must devise a custom-built business test strategy to assess the risks and challenges of connected device implementations. Some of these risks and challenges include end-to-end test coverage, compatibility and interoperability testing, interconnectivity testing, and compliance with performance and security requirements.

Four Reasons Why Connected Device Testing Is Critical

  1. Data privacy – Any integration test failure for the various touch points in smart home implementation tests may lead to serious user data privacy violations
  2. Software crashes – As per NTSB, connected vehicle technology can prevent 80% of crashes involving non-impaired drivers. To do this, testing must confirm error-free vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communications in every potential scenario
  3. Wrongful billing – Several incidents have occurred because of faulty smart meter implementation where customers were left without heat, in the dark, or in debt due to incorrect readings and billings
  4. Accessibility – The ease of use and flexibility of connected devices can assist the differently-abled, which increases the importance of accessibility testing

A well-thought-out business assurance strategy is important for successful connected device implementations. It calls for different kinds of testing, such as:

  • Mobility testing – as mobile phones are the most common connected devices – covering interconnectivity, interoperability, accessibility, and user experience
  • IoT platform integration testing to ensure accuracy and integrity of data
  • IT-OT integration testing for data from real-world events to be stored appropriately in digital systems


Progress in technology empowers communities to aim for better quality of life, provided there is a clear quality assurance strategy. Connected device testing should ensure all entities in an interlinked ecosystem work seamlessly on all relevant platforms, operating systems, and versions. It is important for businesses to invest in comprehensive testing strategies to mitigate the risks and deliver high-quality solutions to their customers.

By leveraging the latest testing tools and methodologies, businesses can navigate the complex landscape of connected device testing and emerge as leaders in today’s highly competitive digital economy.

Author Details

Naju D. Mohan

Naju D Mohan who is a Senior Delivery Manager with Infosys has 25+ years of pioneering technology experience. She has lead Package Development & Implementation for several global implementations. She has immense experience in managing Service Delivery for Fortune 1000 clients across the globe. She has been instrumental in setting up and growing the Big Data Testing Practice and Connected Device Testing Practice at Infosys. She has authored papers and presented in public forums on big data, connected device testing and data security solutions. She holds a bachelors degree in Electronics and Communications Engineering. Outside her professional life, she enjoys spending time with family, and watching movies.


  • Thanks, Naju for the concise summary, covering key aspects of Connected Devices testing. Will be insightful for folks new to this area.

    1. Thanks Lavanya to hear that this will be insightful to people new to Connected Device Testing. Hope to provide valuable content to this community.

  • This succinct summary of connected device testing need for the business will be eyeopener for many IT professional and business leaders.

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